The antioxidant enzyme peroxiredoxin-2 is depleted in lymphocytes seven days after ultra-endurance exercise


Purpose: Peroxiredoxin-2 (PRDX-2) is an antioxidant and chaperone-like protein critical for cell function. This study examined whether the levels of lymphocyte PRDX-2 are altered over one month following ultra-endurance exercise. Methods: Nine middle-aged men undertook a single-stage, multi-day 233 km (145 mile) ultra-endurance running race. Blood was collected immediately before (PRE), upon completion/retirement (POST), and following the race at DAY 1, DAY 7 and DAY 28. Lymphocyte lysates were examined for PRDX-2 by reducing SDS-PAGE and western blotting. In a sub-group of men who completed the race (n = 4) PRDX-2 oligomeric state (indicative of redox status) was investigated. Results: Ultra-endurance exercise caused significant changes in lymphocyte PRDX-2 (F (4,32) 3.409, p=0.020, ?(2) =0.299): seven-days after the race, PRDX-2 levels in lymphocytes had fallen to 30% of pre-race values (p=0.013) and returned to near-normal levels at DAY 28. Non-reducing gels demonstrated that dimeric PRDX-2 (intracellular reduced PRDX-2 monomers) was increased in 3 of 4 race completers immediately post-race, indicative of an "antioxidant response". Moreover, monomeric PRDX-2 was also increased immediately post-race in 2 of 4 race-completing subjects, indicative of oxidative damage, which was not detectable by DAY 7. Conclusions: Lymphocyte PRDX-2 was decreased below normal levels 7 days after ultra-endurance exercise. Excessive accumulation of reactive oxygen species induced by ultra-endurance exercise may underlie depletion of lymphocyte PRDX-2 by triggering its turnover after oxidation. Low levels of lymphocyte PRDX-2 could influence cell function and might, in part, explain reports of dysregulated immunity following ultra-endurance exercise.

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Divisions: College of Health & Life Sciences > School of Biosciences
College of Health & Life Sciences
College of Health & Life Sciences > Chronic and Communicable Conditions
Uncontrolled Keywords: oxidative stress,reactive oxygen species,peroxiredoxins,running-exercise human
Publication ISSN: 1029-2470
Last Modified: 14 Feb 2025 08:31
Date Deposited: 08 Aug 2013 14:27
Full Text Link: http://informah ... 762.2013.828836
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PURE Output Type: Article
Published Date: 2013-10
Published Online Date: 2013-07-29
Authors: Turner, James E.
Bennett, Stuart J.
Campbell, John P.
Bosch, Jos A.
Aldred, Sarah
Griffiths, Helen R. (ORCID Profile 0000-0002-2666-2147)



Version: Accepted Version

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