Buried clay pot irrigation for efficient and controlled water delivery


This study presents water flow (WF) into soil from several pitchers buried in the soil up to their neck and filled with water,under natural atmospheric conditions for a period of two years. Variation in daily WF into soil indicated a direct correlation with moisture deficit (MD) in atmosphere. WF increases linearly with MD for non rainy days. WF without hydraulic head through all pots varied in the order air>soil>water. Base line flow in water with respect to air was < 5%. WF for pots with hydraulic head was also in the order air>soil>water, but with significant increase in WF. Hydraulic conductivity Ks was in the order air>soil>water.Ks in water was independent of MD, whereas for air and soil, Ks increased with MD. Thus total WF is partially under hydraulic head and partly due to pull effect through capillary pores on pot wall either due to MD in air or prevailing soil water tension in soil.

Divisions: College of Engineering & Physical Sciences > School of Engineering and Technology > Mechanical, Biomedical & Design
College of Engineering & Physical Sciences > Sustainable environment research group
Additional Information: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India
Uncontrolled Keywords: agroforestry,biodrainage,water logging,wood biomass,General
Publication ISSN: 0975-1084
Last Modified: 04 Sep 2024 07:05
Date Deposited: 19 Mar 2013 12:00
Full Text Link: http://nopr.nis ... 123456789/12494
Related URLs: http://www.scop ... tnerID=8YFLogxK (Scopus URL)
PURE Output Type: Article
Published Date: 2011-08
Authors: Vasudevan, Padman
Thapliyal, Alka
Sen, P.K.
Dastidar, M.G.
Davies, Philip (ORCID Profile 0000-0003-4783-1234)

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